Tag #: 2413224Side: Left
VIN #: 4V4NC9EH5JN999613  

LKQ Heavy Truck - Goodys

6180 Hagman Rd
Toledo, OH 43612-3922

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If the item you received arrived damaged, doesn't match the listing description, or if it's the wrong item, and shipping will be supplied for replacement(s) or returned for a full refund.

If you no longer want the item, changed your mind, or ordered the incorrect item, the buyer is responsible for contacting LKQ Heavy Truck for an RMA (return merchandise authorization) and the buyer is responsible for shipping back to the item’s origin. Buyer will receive 100% of the original cost of the item once the returned item is received.

ALL return requests my be within 30 days of purchase unless the item is accompanied by a LKQ or manufacturers warranty. See listing for details or contact LKQ Heavy Truck with question.

LKQ Heavy Truck - Goodys Logo LKQ Heavy Truck - Goodys
Since 1939, Goody's Truck Parts specialized in being your number one supplier of used and rebuilt truck parts. With over 20 acres and 1,000 trucks for parts, We stock axle housings, axle shafts, cabs, differentials, engines, hoods, tandems, transmissions, and power steerings. We have what you need!
WARNING: Cancer and Reproductive Harm - www.P65Warnings.ca.gov.

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