2015 Freightliner CASCADIA 125 Vehicle for Sale
Tag #: 612 | Engine: Detroit Diesel DD15 |
| Transmission: DT12-DA |
| Differential: ME20165 |
| GVW: 33,001 lb And Over |
Unknown: Unknown Model Year: 2015
Make: Freightliner
Model: Cascadia 125
Engine Type: L6, 14.8L
Country: MEXICO
Assy. Plant: Saltillo, Coahuila Mecxico
Production Seq. Number: GJ2254
Check Digit: 4
Cab Type: Conventional Cab
Drive Line Type: 6x2
GVWR Class: Class 8: 33,001 lb And Over
Manufacturer: Mercedes-Benz Mexico Truck
Vehicle Type: Truck
Vehicle Class: Truck Tractor
Chassis: Truck-Tractor Chassis
Brake System: Air
Fuel Type: Diesel
Engine Manufacturer: Detroit Diesel
Engine Series Code: DD15 S/N 472906S0266248
Transmission: DT12-DA S/N 71537401450722
Differential: ME20165 Ratio - 2.50
Engine |
Detroit Diesel DD15 |
Transmission |
DT12-DA |
Differential |
ME20165 |
33,001 lb And Over |
Vendor must be contacted to purchase part.